
Ender Protocol is a liquid staking platform owned and governed by ENDR token holders

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The ENDR Token

The Ender token enables community ownership and active stewardship of the Protocol. ENDR holders govern the Protocol through an on-chain governance process.

Ender Points System

Earn Ender Points to become eligible to receive the ENDR airdrop


Season 1: ENDR Airdrop

To commence the launch of Ender Protocol V1, we will be conducting our first seasonal airdrop of our governance token, ENDR, which gives holders ownership of the protocol and the future metaverse Endworld development.

The airdrop will be the initial distribution of the ENDR tokens from the overall distribution, which will include various other incentive programs like Liquidity Mining and Emissions Voting rewards once we fully launch the governance system.
Media inquires for Ender Labs - Contact [email protected]